This photo was made in the flourishing days of the garage 1926. Shown are co-owners Otto and Al and Bookkeeper Mrs. Hill.

During these days, Otto and Al drove big cars, owned nice homes, and each had a colored maid.

The A & B provided full service: complete motor rebuilding, repair, upholstery, body work and storage.

Unfortunately these good times didn't last long when the "crash" came in 1929, they continuedto give credit to Doctors, Lawyers, etc., thinking times would get better they didn't!

A & B office with Otto, Al and Mrs. Hill
Otto, Al and Mrs. Hill.

David, Leona and sons
David & Leona
Sons: Carl & Kenneth

This photo of the A&B Garage was also made in 1926. Shown left to right: Otto, Rimer (their painter), Al, John, Erik, and Gustav. Brother David joined them a year later in 1927.
A & B Garage with Otto, Rimer, Al, John, Erik and Gustav


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